Mediumship online course

Mediumship online course

I am so happy to share my mediumschip online course with you! So let me introduce you to it! But firstly:

What is the meaning of mediumship?

This is different for anyone of course, and it also depends on who you ask; the client or the medium. 

To me as a medium, the meaning of mediumship is to bridge the gap between the world of the living and the spirit world. The gap as the place where love is stuck and where grief takes over. Where the connection between the souls, although one is living and one is in the afterlife, struggles to be felt, seen and heard. So to be a medium, is to let that connection flow again. To let the spirit and the connection be felt, seen and heard: healing the mourning heart and spirit.

As I have been a client myself, it also means to get answers, messages and the bond restored. To have someone who can speak for you, who can hear your feelings, because they know what’s being told from the otherside. It makes grief less painful, love more intense and memories enhanced. As if your beloved one feels closer somehow.

Can you study mediumship?

The most important thing to know about the online mediumship course, is of course: Can you study mediumship? Certainly you can study mediumship! You can study what you need to know, what you need to be able to do, how you should talk to clients and how you should handle spirits. But also, how you stay safe and grounded.

However, only studying mediumship isn’t the same as becoming a medium. So than the next question is: 

Can you learn to be a medium?

I believe everybody can learn to be a medium. Some will be natural, some may take a little longer. But yes, you definitely can learn to be a medium! Because when you know what it takes, you can practice and exercise those abilities. 

How to become a medium

So, how do you become a medium than? You can learn on your own. By learning to trust your intuition. And then learning what your unique psychic ability is, honing in on that ability, by exercising it daily. And thus you become a medium. 

That being said, I do think that a course can help you even go deeper into the art of mediumship. Because most teachers had or have a practice themselves. They know not only what it is to communicate with spirits. But also to communicate with clients, how to handle emotions and stay healthy instead of drained. 

So I think there is a little bit more to it than only learning psychic skills. Especially when you want to do this as a hobby or even more so as a business to help others.

Medium training for beginners

My online mediumship training is for beginners and advanced. For beginners, we start small with intuition and psychic tools. To then grow into psychic readings, so you’re growing to be advanced. 

(Advanced mediumship training)

Then we start with evidential mediumship. For the more advanced we then go into trance mediumship, automatic writing, artistic mediumship, mediumship for deceased pets, and so on.

Your Mediumship teacher

Hi! My name is Stephanie, I’m 33 years old and started at 17 as a medium and coach on a spiritual platform. I started my own practice at 21 as an animal communicator. Then I branched out with alternative medicine for animals. On the platform I also used my runes, oracle and Lenormand cards, later on I used tarot cards. So I have over 12+ years of professional experience. But I could communicate with spirits and animals ever since I was a child.

So even though this course is online, I can help you when you struggle. And I love to do so, meaning that if there is anything I can help you with, please let me know!

Psychic development classes

Within this mediumship online course there are of course psychic development classes. A video wherein I explain what the psychic abilities are and how they can come to fruition. Also how you can know what your unique psychic abilities are. And needless to say, how you can practice to develop them more. (I say it in plural because a lot of people have a combination of 2 or more psychic abilities. Especially when developing them.)

Mediumship development

When you know your psychic abilities, and you can trust your intuition, that’s where we start true mediumship. To connect with the spirit world, calling forward the spirit and how to use our new skills to communicate with spirits. The biggest thing is to translate what we receive. For example, when you’re clairvoyant, you see images. How do you make a story out of them, what do they mean, how do you tell the message in images to your client? That’s what we are going to practice in mediumship development classes.

Bonuses: Psychic workshops

As a bonus there will be more mediumship classes such as trance mediumship and artistic mediumship. But also workshops in how to read angel numbers, how to channel angels and archangels, and so much more. So you can truly develop your own unique arsenal of skills. And by practicing so many different methods and ways of mediumship, you will see and or feel clearly what fits you most. To truly walk your personal unique path.

Are you ready for your mediumship journey? Enroll and start today!
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