6 Steps to connect with spirits
How do you connect with spirits? This blog gives you 6 steps to connect with spirits. It's a follow up from my earlier blog: How to become a medium. This is a bit 'how to become a medium advanced' so to say. So if you are already intuitive, and know your psychic abilities, this blog is for you:
1 Center yourself
Before you start anything, let’s be honest here: When you want to call forth a spirit and open yourself up to the spirit world. It’s like opening up a portal. So please be mindful that you stay safe by centering yourself. How you do that? By these 3 steps:
- Ground yourself
- Align yourself
- Protect yourself
It doesn’t matter if you meditate and visualize roots under your feet for grounding yourself. Or take a walk outside to get grounded. Whatever works best for you. Just like with aligning yourself to your higher self. Or through prayer you can align with your god. Again: whatever works best for you. And with the protection it’s the same thing. You can visualize a protecting orb. Or you can smudge yourself and your space for protection.
(Of course there are plenty of other ways out there, these are just a few to give you some examples.)
2 Stay safe and strong
When centered, you need to know that the living energy is always more dominant than the dead energy. Except for when you’re scared. When you’re scared, you draw your energy back up into yourself and when you panic, you put your own energy out of yourself. This creates a vacuum and can draw the energy or aura of a spirit into your aura. That’s how a spirit can get stuck to you. So practice sitting in your power, growing your inner light, sitting in your inner light. However you want to call it. There are a few guided meditations on youtube on this topic. I will be posting mine shortly.
3 How to connect to the spirit realm?
Connect to the spirit world with intention! It’s not a number you can call or a space you can get to. It’s everywhere you are when you want to connect to it. The most important thing here is to have a clear intention. To connect with someone out of respect, love and light. With boundaries. Know what you do want: clear messages to give. And know what you don’t want: more spirits, anyone coming through you don’t want to talk to. So be very clear in your intention, and just focus on the spirit world. It doesn’t matter if you have a vision about the spirit realm. And it doesn’t matter if you have no idea what to expect. Having the intention is enough power to open up this portal.
4 What is the process of calling spirits?
After connecting to the spirit world, you will feel a shift in the vibration of the space you're in. Or you can smell myrrh for example. There will be something letting you know that there is a connection. Because of your intention to call forth the spirit you want to communicate with, sometimes you don’t have to call them and they’re right beside you! But sometimes, after making the connection with the spirit realm, you need to call the spirit you want to talk to with intention. The intention for hearing their messages and answers, that their living loved ones, want to connect, ask and say something. You will then sense their presence in a way that’s normal for you. Some feel it, others know it, some hear the voice telling them that they’re here, etc.
5 Communicate through your psychic ability.
The way you receive messages from your intuition and spirit guides, is most probably the way you receive messages from the spirits of people who have passed away. (Like we discussed in my previous blogs.) Now it’s your job to translate what you receive in messages that are understandable for your customer. And check in with them if they get it, if they know what’s been said.
6 Close the connection
When all is said and done, it’s time to close the connection. Thank the spirit guide for its answers and messages. And send them to where they belong, or help them move on into the light. Then close your connection to the spirit realm, just through your intention is enough. Until you know, sense or feel it’s closed. Now dim you light from ‘sitting in your light’ back to normal. Your protection from centering may still be there. Your alignment can be less open so you can get through your day normally. But being grounded is still a good thing. Especially after these spiritual and paranormal activities, do something grounding! Like eating, taking a walk in nature. Be alive! Don’t let this beautiful job be an escape from your life…